For Immediate Release
December 17, 2021
Contact: Hae-Lin Choi,, 718-290-3647
New York, NY – Today Council Member Adrienne Adams clinched victory in the race for City Council Speaker, as 33 members of the 51-member City Council committed their support or released statements backing her Speaker candidacy. The broad support for Council Member Adams from legislative leaders across the five boroughs comes on the heels of a coalition of labor unions, including 32BJ SEIU, DC 37, CWA District 1, and NYSNA declaring their support for her campaign for Speaker. Incoming Speaker Adams will lead a history-making City Council, with a majority of women serving on the Council for the first time.
An inclusive and diverse coalition, with members from across the City and across the political spectrum, is supporting Adrienne Adams. She will assume the office on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022 at the first Stated Meeting in the next session of the City Council.
Council Member Adrienne Adams said:“I am honored to have earned the support and the trust of my colleagues to be their Speaker. Our coalition reflects the best of our city. We are ready to come together to solve the enormous challenges we face in order to not just recover from Covid but to build a better, fairer City that works for everyone. I want to thank the Council members, labor and party leaders, women’s groups, and everyone in our broad coalition for their support. The City Council will be a collaborative and effective legislative body that incorporates what makes New York City great and focuses on the needs of our communities.”
Adrienne Adams was first elected to represent the neighborhoods of Jamaica, Rochdale Village, Richmond Hill, and South Ozone Park in November 2017. A lifelong resident of Southeast Queens and longtime community activist, Adrienne has been a leader for public safety, education equity, and economic development. Her ascension to the Speakership is the culmination of decades of public service and community organizing. She has previously served as a Community Board member and Chairperson, a member of the Community District Council, and the NAACP, among other community and advocacy groups.
Council Member Adams’ trailblazing campaign for Speaker received support from the following members:
- Council Member Carlina Rivera, District 2
- Council Member Keith Powers, District 4
- Council Member-elect Gale Brewer, District 6
- Council Member Diana Ayala, District 8
- Council Member Sandra Ung, District 20
- Council Member Tiffany Cabán, District 22
- Council Member-elect Linda Lee, District 23
- Council Member Jim Gennaro, District 24
- Council Member-elect Shekar Krishnan, District 25
- Council Member-elect Julie Won, District 26
- Council Member-elect Nantasha Williams, District 27
- Council Member Adrienne Adams, District 28
- Council Member-elect Lynn Schulman, District 29
- Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers, District 31
- Council Member Eric Dinowitz, District 11
- Council Member Kevin Riley, District 12
- Council Member-elect Marjorie Velázquez, District 13
- Council Member-elect Pierina Sanchez, District 14
- Council Member-elect Althea Stevens, District 16
- Council Member Rafael Salamanca, District 17
- Council Member-elect Amanda Farías, District 18
- Council Member-elect Lincoln Restler, District 33
- Council Member-elect Jennifer Gutiérrez, District 34
- Council Member-elect Crystal Hudson, District 35
- Council Member-elect Chi Ossé, District 36
- Council Member-elect Sandy Nurse, District 37
- Council Member-elect Alexa Avilés, District 38
- Council Member-elect Shahana Hanif, District 39
- Council Member-elect Rita Joseph, District 40
- Council Member-elect Darlene Mealy, District 41
- Council Member Justin Brannan, District 43
- Council Member Farah N. Louis, District 45
- Council Member-elect Mercedes Narcisse, District 46
Kyle Bragg, 32BJ SEIU President said: “The city has been ravaged by the pandemic, and if we want a worker-led recovery, we need a Council Speaker who is up to the task. Adrienne Adams is a proven leader and fighter for working people, and I’m proud to support her. This moment provides us with a unique opportunity to rebuild the economy by centering the needs of workers, building paths to the middle class for families, and making our city more equitable. Adrienne Adams knows what workers need and that’s why 32BJ SEIU worked hard to help her win the Speaker’s race. She knows how to build coalitions, and I know she will deliver for workers across the city as Council Speaker.”
Henry Garrido, District Council 37 Executive Director said: “Adrienne is the right choice to lead the Council. She knows there is no recovery without working people at the forefront and is committed to making New York City more equitable. District Council 37 is proud to have played a role in her historic victory.”
Dennis Trainor, Vice President CWA District 1 said: “CWA District 1's NYC membership has given its all throughout the past eighteen months of crisis. We worked hard to help elect a pro-worker City Council because now more than ever, we need our elected leaders to put working families first. We're proud to back a City Councilmember for Speaker who has shown strong leadership and is committed to fighting for working people. We firmly believe that Adrienne Adams will be the leader that we need as we continue to work to get this city back on its feet - and the strong support she has from a decisive majority of her fellow Councilmembers already proves that she has the trust of her peers to get the job done.”
NYSNA said: NYSNA is proud to support Adrienne Adams for City Council Speaker alongside a diverse coalition that truly reflects New York City. We are confident in her ability to keep at center working families while leading the city through the challenges of the ongoing pandemic and towards a just and equitable recovery. NYSNA is excited to be part of the coalition that helped propel her historic victory. We look forward to her Speakership.
Council Member Diana Ayala said: “We need a City Council Speaker who will unite this Council, stand up for our prerogatives, and be an effective partner in government. We need a Speaker who will reflect the diversity of this Council and this City and lead a real recovery from COVID-19. We need Adrienne Adams as our next City Council Speaker, and I’m excited to support her candidacy.”
Council Member-elect Gale Brewer said: “Council Member Adams is a leader who knows what New York City needs to bring back an equitable recovery from COVID, and she will be a powerful and effective voice for Council Members and their constituents. I fully support her for City Council Speaker and can’t wait to see her make history.”
Council Member Justin Brannan said: “This moment demands bold leaders with the courage to care, the wisdom to listen, and the strength to build consensus to move our city forward. Adrienne Adams has all of this and more. I'm proud to support her to be the next Speaker of the New York City Council. I know she has what it takes to bring us all together at this critical time and I look forward to working alongside her to stand up to working families who call this city home.”
Council Member Keith Powers said: “The years ahead are filled with big challenges - from the pandemic to the economic recovery. We need a leader with the skills and ability to unite the City Council and take them on. That’s why I’m supporting Adrienne Adams for City Council Speaker, and I’m excited to see her make history.”
Council Member Carlina Rivera said: “I know Adrienne Adams will listen to every member and fight for every corner of the city. That’s what we need from our next City Council Speaker and that’s why we can count on her to lead.”
Council Member-elect Alexa Avilés said: “I ran for City Council to put the needs of poor and working class people first. At the height of the pandemic when all of us were vulnerable and at risk, Adrienne took a stand against cuts to parks, libraries and sanitation, which would have put our city workers at risk. I stand with my colleagues in support of Adrienne Adams as the next speaker to lead our city toward a truly just and equitable recovery.”
Council Member Selvena Brooks-Powers said: “Communities that were hardest hit by COVID will have a champion in Adrienne Adams as the next City Council Speaker. She will fight for a just and equitable recovery that centers neighborhoods that have long been left out and left behind. I’m thrilled to support Adrienne Adams to be the Speaker for the New York City Council.”
Council Member Tiffany Cabán said: “Today I add my voice to the growing chorus of my colleagues in support of Councilmember Adrienne Adams’ bid to serve as the Council’s next Speaker. She has shown herself to be committed to open, thoughtful, and respectful communication with new members. I am ready to get to work with her on shared priorities like guaranteeing rights for workers. The new Council’s first collective decision shows that we are not here to simply rubber-stamp the mayor’s priorities, but to protect the interests of our constituents.”
Council Member Eric Dinowitz said: “Adrienne Adams, a proven leader in the Council, is the speaker who will unite us to support New York City's comeback and lift up New York Yorkers fighting to make it, including my home borough of the Bronx. We need to have an equitable recovery from COVID, where all our voices are heard. She will make that happen."
Council Member-elect Amanda Farías said: “I’m so excited to support a woman with unquestionable skill and ability to lead. Adrienne Adams will be a Speaker for every New Yorker from every community—and she won’t back down from the tough fights. Council Member Adams will be an outstanding City Council Speaker.”
Council Member-elect Jennifer Gutiérrez said: “Adrienne Adams is the leader we need to unify all communities and stakeholders to ensure equitable and inclusive pathways to recovery. I am proud to stand behind Adrienne in championing our schools, local businesses, affordable housing, and climate resiliency.”
Council Member-elect Shahana Hanif said: “Adrienne Adams is a true public servant. Her core focus has been serving her constituency—Adrienne is always known to roll up her sleeves to personally help every constituent that walks into her office. This is the kind of thoughtfulness we need to fight for all our communities and working people in NYC. I am proud to have her as my Speaker.”
Council Member-elect Crystal Hudson said: “Black women in leadership are often leading from their hearts, translating personal experience to power. Adrienne Adams is no different—she’s seen the realities of our broken criminal justice system inside and out. Adrienne is a real reformer whose humble servant leadership is the steady hand our city needs. I wholeheartedly support Adrienne to serve as Speaker of the New York City Council, and am thrilled that we will make herstory when she steps into this role.”
Council Member-elect Rita Joseph said: “As Chairwoman of the Committee on Public Safety, and as a Member of five other Committees, Councilwoman Adrienne Adams has a proven track record of being able to work with a wide variety of Council Members. As Speaker, Adrienne Adams will continue to build coalitions to help ensure that New York successfully recovers from the COVID-19 crisis. I look forward to partnering with her and our peers in this historic, majority-women City Council.”
Council Member-elect Shekar Krishnan said: “I am proud to support Adrienne Adams. In a Council with many firsts, she will make history. Adrienne is the leader we need right now. She has unwavering principles and an inclusive vision to move our city forward. We must join together to deliver a just recovery and build a brighter future.”
Council Member-elect Linda Lee said: “Too often, Eastern Queens has been left behind when it comes to making decisions about our city's future. By electing Adrienne Adams as Speaker of the City Council, we have a chance not only to make history, but also to ensure that our communities are front and center as we recover from the pandemic. Adrienne is a woman of integrity, resolve, and compassion, and I'm proud to support her for Speaker.”
Council Member Farah N. Louis said: “In 2021, history was made and 31 women will now constitute the majority of representation in the City Council. Women breaking the proverbial glass ceiling while leading a diverse City Council is reflective of the city we represent. And, this is critical. We need a trailblazer that will lead with integrity, innovation and inclusivity. Adrienne Adams, as Speaker of the City Council, is the woman for the job.”
Council Member-elect Darlene Mealy said: “New York City faces mounting challenges and we need a City Council Speaker who is tough enough to tackle them and talented enough to unify this body. That’s why I’m supporting Adrienne Adams to be our next City Council Speaker. She is ready to make history and deliver for all New Yorkers.”
Council Member-elect Mercedes Narcisse said: “New Yorkers deserve a City Council Speaker who is ready to roll up her sleeves and deliver results—and that’s why we need Adrienne Adams. She has the experience and the skills to bring us together and build a city for everyone. I couldn’t be more excited to support Adrienne's trailblazing candidacy for Speaker of the City Council.”
Council Member-elect Sandy Nurse said: “I’m joining my colleagues in supporting Adrienne Adams for Speaker. Adrienne has committed to us that she will end the punitive behavior exhibited by past Speakers, to ensure diverse and Latinx leadership in the Speaker’s Office, and to reform this institution so we as members can effectively serve the people of New York City.”
Council Member-elect Chi Ossé said: “I proudly stand with my colleagues in support of Adrienne Adams as our next City Council Speaker. Adrienne Adams has been a lifelong public servant, has spoken truth to power and advocated for her community consistently. I have no doubt in her ability to lead this body to fully serve our constituents.”
Council Member-elect Lincoln Restler said: “When Black women lead, we all win. I am excited to be part of the first City Council in New York’s history to elect a Black woman as Speaker. Adrienne Adams is a principled and dedicated member who will ably lead our Council as a strong and independent branch of City government.”
Council Member Kevin Riley said: “Adrienne Adams is ready to lead this Council and I know she will do so like she does everything else: with tenacity, thoughtfulness, and focus. She won’t ever back down from a fight for working families and she will be a champion for our most vulnerable communities. I can’t wait to make history with Adrienne Adams as our next Speaker.”
Council Member Rafael Salamanca said: “Adrienne Adams is a voice for all communities who will bring the Council together. As Speaker she will deliver an equitable recovery from COVID. I’m looking forward to partnering with her and ensuring no New Yorker is left behind.”
Council Member-elect Pierina Sanchez said: “I’m proud to support Adrienne Adams for City Council Speaker. She is a strong leader who will unite this Council and carry the fight forward for New York’s working families. As we face multiple crises at the same time, Council Member Adams will be the steady hand who delivers for New Yorkers.”
Council Member-elect Lynn Schulman said: “We need a Speaker who will stand up for all of our communities. Adrienne Adams is the right person to lead us forward because she has the intelligence, respect, and skills to unite us. Together, we will fight for New York’s working families.”
Council Member Sandra Ung said: “Adrienne Adams has the skills and the experience to lead and tackle our toughest challenges. She’s hard-working, unfailingly kind, and she delivers for New Yorkers. Our communities will have a leader they can trust with Adrienne Adams as our next Speaker.”
Council Member-elect Marjorie Velázquez said: “Much like myself, Adrienne Adams grew up in the same neighborhoods she now represents, and worked her way up from her local Community Board to the City Council. She has steadfastly represented the people of Southeast Queens over her tenure, and seeing that dedication is why my decision on who should be the next City Council Speaker is easy. I trust Adrienne Adams to guide us, and I look forward to working with her to make the City we love the best it can be.”
Council Member-elect Nantasha Williams said: “We need a Speaker who is ready to lead on Day 1 and unite this Council to tackle our biggest challenges. That’s what Adrienne will do - and she will make New Yorkers proud as the next Speaker of the City Council.”
Council Member-elect Julie Won said: “Council Member Adams is the leader who will bring this Council together, empower every voice, and listen to our concerns. She will stand up for the diversity of this city and this legislative body and govern for the entire city. She has what it takes to lead and I’m thrilled to support her history-making candidacy for Speaker of the City Council.”
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