Political power and influence helps us win for CWA members!
Our legislative and electoral work allows the union to build the kind of power that leads to big victories for workers throughout the country. It's about power in numbers, and how we work together to elect pro-labor, pro-working families candidates to office and kick out politicians who support big corporations and the ultra-rich over working people. Through our political action work we've been able to make real, lasting change for our members and working families throughout the country.
Political Action Victories
Here are just a few of our recent legislative victories:
2022 (NY) Legislation to protect our jobs blocking proposed dangerous, anti-union "One Touch Make Ready" regulations.
2022 (NY) Helped secure billions of dollars for hospital funding to support healthcare workers, including bonuses for healthcare workers who worked through the COVID-19 pandemic.
2022 (NJ) Passed the Responsible Collective Negotiations Act to strengthen collective bargaining rights for New Jersey workers.
2021 (CT) Helped pass legislation to ban anti-union "Captive Audience Meetings" to protect workers, strengthen our union rights, and help stop union-busting by employers.
2021 (CT) Passed an Act to Concerning Call Center & Notice of Closure to protect our call center jobs form being shipped out of the state.
2021 (NY) Successfully took on the powerful Hospitals lobby to pass two major bills in our fight for Safe Staffing, creating labor/management staffing committees that ensure real consequences for understaffing.
2019 (NY) Passed legislation to decrease the wait time for workers on strike to apply for Unemployment Insurance from 7 weeks to just 2, strengthening our bargaining and striking power.
Defending Our Right to Vote
Mobilized thousands of CWA members from Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New Jersey, New York and other key states to beat back attempts by anti-democratic, corporate-funded campaigns to deny voting rights and poll access for some of our nation’s hardest-working communities.
Fighting Bad Trade Deals
Delayed passage of Fast Track for the bad TPP trade deal by driving an international coalition to expose anti-worker lies told by politicians and corporate lobbyists. We are now engaged in a fight to kill the deal for good and save more American jobs.
The Cablevision Fight
When 22 Cablevision employees approached the vice president at their company depot to ask if the company was serious about organizing with the union, they were all wrongfully fired on the spot. CWA responded and rallied the support of prominent regional politicians. Through the combined efforts of CWA members and pro-worker candidates, the workers were reinstated and negotiated a fair contract. This victory would not have been possible without the political power gained through the Political Action Fund.
Pro-Worker and Progressive Elected Leaders
Our political action work - including Political Action Funds raised - over the last few years have had a huge impact on changing the face of our political landscape and ushering in elected leaders who will truly put working people first. New leadership in states throughout District 1 have not only unblocked years of stalled legislation, but championed efforts to lift up working families and strengthen unioins. The Political Action Fund is being used to support campaigns for candidates who actively fight – not just talk – to make corporations and the ultra-rich pay their fair share.