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CWA District 1 Celebrates the Swearing-In of CWA Member Chris Ryan as State Senator

Contact: Rebecca Miller, CWA District 1,  

CWA District 1 Celebrates the Swearing-In of CWA Member Chris Ryan as State Senator

NEW YORK - In response to the swearing-in of CWA Local 1123 President Chris Ryan as the newest New York State Senator representing Senate District 50, Dennis G. Trainor, Vice President of Communications Workers of America District 1, issued the following statement:

“I couldn’t be more proud today to have one of our own take his place in the New York State Legislature. Chris Ryan waged a fierce, gutsy campaign last year to win this seat for working families - but that’s nothing new. As a Union president, Chris has gone toe-to-toe with corporate bosses and fought to build a stronger Syracuse that works for everyone - not just those at the top. 

“If we want to have any hope of rebuilding the middle class and lifting up working people, protecting and strengthening our communities, we need labor champions in public office who walk the walk, who will fight for workers, and who will champion good jobs and better standards in the workplace. We need more legislators like Chris who come from labor, who know working families and our priorities, and who aren’t afraid to stand up for their constituents. That’s why CWA members went all out to help get Chris elected. I’m very proud to call Chris a lifelong CWA member and a friend, and we can’t wait to get to work with Chris this year to make New York even stronger for working families.” 


CWA District 1 represents 145,000 workers in 200 CWA local unions in New York, New Jersey, New England, and eastern Canada. CWA members work in telecommunications, health care, higher education, manufacturing, broadcast and cable television, commercial printing and newspapers, state, local, and country government.



Press Releases

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CWA District 1 and 1199SEIU Demand Action from New York State Department of Health Over Hospital Staffing Crisis. Caregivers Submit over 23,000 Violations of State Staffing Law