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Press Releases

Big Win for Frontier Communications Workers!

On January 17th, after marathon bargaining sessions throughout the weekend and capping off months of tough negotiations and massive, cross-country mobilization efforts, CWA members came to a tentative agreement on a new contract with Frontier Communications!

Over the past several months, CWAers in Connecticut, New York, and California - including members of Locals 1111, 1115, 1122, 1170, and 1298 - fought hard and demonstrated tremendous solidarity to win a fair contract. In December and January, members sent over 7,000 emails to Frontier executives demanding a contract that protects workers. Local 1298 held several public rallies to get the word out about the contract fight, while Local 1170 launched a social media campaign to show their solidarity and demand job protections.

And the pressure paid off! The new three-year agreement successfully maintains job security as well as call center protection agreement for the life of the contract; eliminates the two-tier work rule carve outs and medical costs; successfully negotiated contract language gaining post-employment retiree healthcare with a bridge to Medicare (age 65); includes significant wage increases and improvements to the commission plans for Leverage title members; and successfully negotiated the framework to allow for work-at-home with work location protections, as well as scheduling improvements for the Plant department.