While Billionaires Continue to Get Richer, CWA Joins a New York Coalition to Tell Lawmakers: Share Our Wealth!
On January 27th CWA members from across New York traveled to the State Capital in Albany to join with several other unions and community groups in the newly formed Share Our Wealth coalition to speak out about out-of-control inequality plaguing the state and to urge legislators to address the roots of the issue.
The coalition held a huge rally to urge Governor Hochul and the NYS Legislature to include fair and just revenue raisers in the Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget to ensure that the ultra rich pay their fair share and to fund the important investments necessary for a thriving and affordable New York.
"The numbers tell a shocking story: America's 800 billionaires now hoard $5.8 trillion—57% more wealth than 65 million working households combined. Working people are sick and tired of this outrageous inequality and demand that the super-rich pay their fair share,” said District 1 Vice President Dennis Trainor. “The 'Share Our Wealth' plan would raise $3 billion through modest tax increases on the ultra-wealthy and corporations, putting that money directly into childcare, housing, and transportation for working New Yorkers. With overwhelming public support, we can finally build an economy that works for the many, not just the privileged few who've rigged the system in their favor."
The coalition is asking the Governor and Legislature to increase New York’s top income tax rates for those earning over $5 million and over $25 million by 0.5% and increase the corporate tax rate by 1.75% and to make these changes permanent.
These small reforms would generate up to $3 billion for the state to invest in working families’ basic needs like childcare, education, higher education, healthcare, transportation, and housing, helping us create a stronger state that works for every resident - not just the ultra rich.
“I’m tired,” said CWA Local 1109 member Jason Gonzalez, speaking at the rally. “I keep asking myself this question: why, if we’re called the backbone of this country - us, the working class - why do the biggest burden of the taxes fall on us? Don’t you see an injustice there?”
Members of the New York Legislative and Political Action Team held their first Lobby Day of 2025 on the same day, speaking with dozens of lawmakers about our Worker Power Agenda for this year, with other priorities including:
- Increased funding for our healthcare centers
- Shortening the waiting time for striking workers to apply for Unemployment Insurance
- Protecting work done by union telecom workers
- Safety standards and transparency in Tower Climbing industry
CWA Sues the Public Utilities Regulatory Agency for Anti-Union Contract Interference
New Jersey CWAers Ready to Fight for a Governor Who Will Stand with Workers