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Verizon Regional Bargaining Report #11

CWA District 1, IBEW Local 2213 and IBEW New England Regional Bargaining Committees met Verizon today at the Rye Town Hilton in Rye, NY. The Union passed several proposals regarding Health Care, Dental and Vision for active and retired members which are in deep contrast to the Company’s healthcare proposals which would raise healthcare costs for our members by up to 143%.
The Company had no proposals for the Union today.
Your bargaining committee continues reviewing information provided by the Company.  Bargaining is scheduled to resume on Monday.
With two weeks to go before the July 25, 2015 Rally scheduled for Verizon headquarters at 140 West Street in New York City, locals should be doing everything necessary to ensure that as many members, retirees and family members as possible attend.
We will be joined by Union Sisters and Brothers from several areas of the country who will be supporting us in our fight against Corporate Greed to protect our wages, benefits and working conditions and also that we will not forget our retirees.