Training the Next Generations of CWA Leaders

Last week, nearly 100 local officers from CWA locals throughout New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut gathered in Syracuse, NY for a three-day New Officers Training. The training was packed with good discussions and info on member mobilization, organizing, representation, and more, and gave officers a chance to connect with one another, share their experience and wisdom, and strengthen their skills.
CWA Local 1038 held a Shop Stewards training this week with 28 stewards at the Department of Children and Families field offices and 26 Department of Labor and Department of Children and Families central offices today. Building a more powerful CWA everyday!
CWAers Stand in Solidarity with Federal Workers Facing Mass Layoffs
CWAers Stand in Solidarity with Federal Workers Facing Mass Layoffs
CWAers Stand in Solidarity with Federal Workers Facing Mass Layoffs
Big Contract Win for Local 1400 Workers at Consolidated Communications
Big Contract Win for Local 1400 Workers at Consolidated Communications
Big Contract Win for Local 1400 Workers at Consolidated Communications
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts
CWAers Tell Electeds To “Have a Heart,” Don’t Tax Health Benefits To Give Billionaires Tax Cuts