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TPP is in Trouble and We're Keeping Up the Pressure

CWA members are standing up and fighting back against the Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP), a disastrous trade deal that, if passed, would kill jobs, undermine our food safety, pollute the environment, raise prescription drug prices, and allow foreign multinationals to sue the US, state and local governments to overturn laws that inhibit their “expected future profits”.

Thanks to CWA members and our coalition partners campaign, Fast Track for the TPP is in trouble. Almost all US House Democrats oppose the deal.  House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said Wednesday that GOP leadership doesn’t have the votes yet to pass legislation that would allow President Obama to “Fast Track” the deal, and ram it through Congress. If Fast Track were to be approved, Congress would surrender its constitutional right to debate and offer amendments to the trade deal.

Congressional lawmakers are feeling the heat. They know the American people don’t want another job-killing trade bill. Democrats and Republicans across the country are under pressure from their constituents.

Check out some of the recent ways CWA members have been fighting back against TPP:

The corporate special interests pushing the deal are having a very hard time assembling the votes to pass Fast Track in the US House.  House Democrats say that between just 12 and 20 of their lawmakers support giving the President Fast Track authority.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said she opposes the dangerous provisions of the agreement that would allow multinational corporations to sue countries, state and local governments for passing laws that could harm their profits.  This “Investor State Dispute Resolution” (ISDS) is the heart of the TPP.  Senator Elizabeth Warren and others have shined a bright light on these outrageous provisions, which would undermine American sovereignty and endanger vital labor, environmental, safety, and consumer protections.  

Republican House Speaker John Boehner tried to get a floor vote on Fast Track this week, but could not assemble the votes, which is a big victory for our side.  Next week, Congress is in recess. Speaker Boehner will surely attempt to put the bill on the floor the following week.  Once again, we need to prevent them from assembling the vote to pass Fast Track.  Let’s keep up the pressure!