Strike Alert! YouTube Workers Organize First Strike by Google Workers in the Country

On February 6th, YouTube workers, contracted with Cognizant Technology Solutions, began a historic Unfair Labor Practice strike – the first known strike by workers at a Google-owned company.
The strike was kicked off after Cognizant and Google management announced that they were forcing workers back to the office in Austin, TX on February 6th, despite the majority of workers having been hired remotely and thus being unable to work in Austin. The move would threaten the livelihoods of workers living outside of the Austin area.
On February 21st, CWA District 1 Vice President Dennis Trainor spoke at a rally in New York City to support the striking google workers, along with CWA Locals 1101, 1109, 1180, 1182, 31001/TNG3, and CWA-Nabet Local 51016/16 who rallied in solidarity.
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