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Safe Staffing Passes NYS Assembly

Thanks to the hard work of CWAers and allies - making calls, lobbying, and door-knocking - the Safe Staffing for Quality Care Act passed the New York State Assembly last night! This is a historic win! And it means that we're one step closer to getting the life-saving legislation that New York hospital and nursing home patients so desperately need.

With hospitals forcing nurses to take on as many as 12 patients at once, patient care is suffering. A patient's chances of death increases 7% for each additional patient a nurse must care for at one time. The life-saving safe staffing bill sets limits for how many patients a nurse can care for at once.

After the Assembly vote, nurses delivered more than 30,000 petition signatures to the State Senate to urge them to pass the safe staffing bill before the end of their legislative session on June 16.

 We're keeping up the pressure. The next step is to get the legislation passed in the New York State Senate.

We're keeping up the pressure. The next step is to get the legislation passed in the New York State Senate.

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#NYAssembly passes the #SafeStaffing for Quality Care Act!
Thank you @CarlHeastie@AileenMGunther & @DickGottfried!

— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) June 17, 2016


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