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Rep. Rice Betrayed Working Families & Got A Special Delivery

Rep. Kathleen Rice will have plenty of flip-flops to choose from if she plans to head to the beach this weekend. That’s because we’ve started delivering hundreds of them to her office after her ‪TPP flip-flop.

Special delivery for @RepKathleenRice courtesy of @CWADistrict1 and

— Nick Hoh (@NicholasHoh) July 1, 2015

CWAers delivered over 300 flip-flops to Rep. Kathleen Rice who, after repeatedly going on record saying she opposed Fast Track, flip-flopped and betrayed her constituents by voting twice for the bill which allows job-killing trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to be pushed through Congress with no chance for amendments and very little debate. 

Hundreds of her constituents signed a petition telling Rice that her actions are unacceptable and have shown a blatent disregard for the needs of working families in Nassau county. Names of signers and their comments were put on pairs of flip-flops delivered to the Congresswoman. 

By siding with Speaker John Boehner, and businesses who want to outsource good American jobs, and weaken environmental, labor and consumer safeguards, Rice has shown that she isn't living up to her promises to fight for working families.


CWAers helped deliver over 300 flip-flops to @RepKathleenRice. We won't forget her Fast Track flip-flop.

— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) July 1, 2015


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We won't forget how Rice betrayed working families!

Click here for more information on the next steps for the Fast Track and TPP fight.