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Regional Bargaining Report # 2

Regional and Local Bargaining Teams met with the Company today.  At the Regional table the Company gave a presentation about health care which lasted all day.

We have analyzed the Company’s lengthy opening statement from yesterday’s meeting which basically followed the theme of your wages are too high, your health benefits cost too much, you use your health benefits too frequently, you are out sick too much and your work rules are too costly.

If you read the Union’s opening statement you can see that we took the high road and offered to help the Company solve problems as long as the member’s livelihoods were not harmed.

Well it appears that Verizon believe that you are their enemy instead of the dedicated hard working work force that we know you are.  This company is trying to take back everything that we have fought for and worked for over half a century.

We are not ready to go backwards; we are not ready to give up our standard of living.  We all must stand together and if it’s a fight they want it’s a fight they’ll get.

The Union will be asking you to mobilize, to take action. We need every member involved.  This fight cannot be left to someone else. Every member must participate.  Stay in touch with your Local for further updates and instructions.