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Political Action Updates July 2024 - Wins for CWAers in NJ State Budget

After several months of negotiation, during which CWA members made several trips to Trenton to speak with legislators and a major lobby day with eighty members in March, the New Jersey legislature finalized the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget over the weekend. The budget includes several key items for New Jersey workers:

  • For the fourth year in a row, CWA’s pension has been fully funded. After decades of previous legislators failing to fully fund our pension, securing a full payment for a fourth year is huge for every single CWA member, whether one year away from retirement or twenty.
  • The Corporate Transit Fee (CTF) creates a 2.5% tax on the wealthiest businesses - those making over $10 million in profits annually. This fund will be specifically dedicated to NJTransit to strengthen New Jersey’s mass transit - a huge win for working people.

Although the budget is finalized, the NJ legislative calendar runs continuously throughout the year, so the work isn’t over yet!