Political Action & Legislative Updates
Big news - yesterday the NJ State Assembly passed an important worker protection bill, A4429, which would ban anti-union "Captive Audience Meetings" that are often used by bosses to intimidate workers and pressure them against joining unions.
If it becomes law, NJ would join nearly a dozen other states - including New York, where CWA members helped pass similar legislation last year - that have banned these types of forced anti-union meetings.
CWA Local 1032 member Desmond Clark spoke recently about organizing efforts at the New Jersey Commission of Automotive Retailers (NJ CAR) several years ago, where the workers managed to successfully fight off tough anti-union pressure from management.
“In the middle of our union endeavor, the president came unannounced to our office to offer an alternative to recognition of a union,” Desmond said. “There were many platitudes of how the company valued its workers and communication was open at all times. He came with all the talking points such as high union dues and initiation fees, inability to speak to management freely, and losing a ‘family’ environment due to a ‘third party.’ While at the time, we felt strong, those meetings still did damage to our efforts.”
The bill now must be passed in the Senate - it was recently approved by the Labor Committee, and is awaiting approval in the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.
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