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NJ Locals Help Fight Back Against Anti-Union Attacks in Florida, Helping Sign Up Hundreds of Workers as CWA Members

After a successful trip to Florida by Local 1033 and 1040 members in May, public sector CWA members from New Jersey made another trip to the Sunshine State this month to continue providing support to CWA District 3 members who are under intense attack by anti-union groups and legislators.

Members of CWA Locals 1032 and 1040 spent several days in Palm Beach County for a Solidarity Drive alongside Local 3181, helping over 200 Palm Beach County workers and 200 St. Lucie School District workers become members of CWA Local 3181 in just a few days.

Throughout the country, public sector workers have the highest union density, making our members a prime target for anti-union groups and extreme rightwing legislators who want to weaken workers throughout the country. In Florida last year, Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill designed to devastate public sector unions, including our own. The law in Florida now requires all unions to maintain 60% membership or be immediately de-certified. 

That, combined with constant underhanded attacks by anti-union groups like the so-called “Freedom Foundation” that pressure workers to drop their union membership, has created the perfect conditions to decimate Florida’s unions and roll back workers’ rights and protections. CWA District 3 is working hard to fight back against these attacks, which serve as a dangerous warning for what could happen in all of our states if conservative extremists get their way.