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Locations Workers Join CWA Local 1101

It’s official! As of July 16, a majority of locations department workers in film and episodic TV shoots around New York City have formed an organizing committee and joined CWA Local 1101.

Very excited to welcome Locations Dept. Workers in NYC into @CWAUnion Local 1101!

— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) July 17, 2015

In a rare and exciting development, non-unionized workers have voted to join the Union and pay voluntary dues each and every month. Many have also chosen to pay into COPE.

They have decided not to go to the Labor Board. Instead, they have simply declared that they are a union and will act like one even though they don't yet have the right to bargain collectively.

There are currently around 260 workers in this field in NYC, and activists are continuing to get their coworkers to join the Union and pay dues.

The workers are beginning to wear CWA lanyards on the set, working side-by-side with members of the Teamsters, SAG, IATSE, and the Directors Guild of America. In this wall-to-wall union environment, they are beginning to demand their fair share.

They realize that they don't need a piece of paper from the Labor Board to be a union -- they just have to show unity and solidarity with each other.

For the latest updates, check out their Facebook page.


#cwauldw GIRLS Location Dept Standing Strong with CWA-ULDW Local 1101 @generaldisarray free_beerz…

— carinne fassari (@carinnefassari6) July 16, 2015