Local 1036 Pounds the Pavement
A dozen activists from CWA Local 1036 joined Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein in Hamilton on Saturday, as the group volunteered their time to help Greenstein get elected to the State Senate this fall.
Greenstein is running in a special election to fill the seat vacated by long-time CWA friend Bill Baroni (R-Hamilton), who was appointed earlier this year to serve as the Deputy Executive Director of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
Mike Justiniano, a Vice President at the Local, was one of those who came. Watch him below:
Justiniano is right: At a time when politicians in both parties have found it all-too-convenient to score cheap points by bashing public employees, Greenstein has been one of the few constant voices on our side--she was one of three politicians at the May 22 rally, and has spoken out strongly against Governor Christie's proposals to privatize everything that isn't nailed down in state government. Also, she voted against Christie's budget, which cut $400 million in aid to localities, and has led to layoffs and cutbacks in local government units across the state.
"With legislators in both parties falling prey to the Christie anti-government agenda, Linda Greenstein has shown real leadership by standing up the members in her district," said Adam Liebtag, President of Local 1036, talking about why the Local mobilized on her behalf. "We can consistently count on her to protect bargaining rights on the job, lower taxes at home, and vote with us. CWAers in the 14th district need to go to the polls this November to ensure we win this election and send a message that we support leaders like Linda."
Liebtag added that more are expected to show up for Greenstein this Saturday.
With nearly 6,000 members in the district, this is a big race for CWA: Many pundits are expected to use this race as a referendum on how popular Governor Christie's anti-worker proposals and budget is.
To get involved helping Greenstein, contact your local or give us a call to get informed about what CWA is planning.
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