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Local 1180 Members at The Trevor Project Stand Firm, Hold First Bargaining Session

On August 9th, workers at The Trevor Project who joined CWA Local 1180 earlier this year met with management at the bargaining table for the first time. 

The workers organized in an effort to advance the Trevor Project mission of protecting LGBTQ youth and build a stronger, more equitable workplace. Shortly after organizing, management made their anti-union stance clear: they’ve threatened and silenced union members, prohibited workers from discussing their working conditions on the job, forced workers into one-on-ones with management (often leading to discipline), and held staff meetings filled with misinformation about the union (followed by disciplining workers who spoke up during one such meeting with correct information - CWA has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge against the organization in response). 

At the end of July, The Trevor Project leadership suddenly announced layoffs of nearly 12% of bargaining unit employees, many of whom were prominent union organizers and supporters.

But the workers are standing strong to fight for their first union contract! Along with their first bargaining session, they launched a social media campaign to highlight worker voices and all of the reasons that their union is important.

“I’m headed to the table with the utmost respect for my colleagues, the process, and our youth,” wrote Sadaaf, a Crisis Services worker. “A fair contract will not only allow us to do the absolute best work we can for our communities, but also show that Trevor returns that respect.”

“A fair contract goes beyond inviting a few more voices to an existing table,” wrote Brad, a Learning & Development worker. “A fair contract throws out the old table, builds a better one, and ensures that it has space for every single employee that carries the weight of The Trevor Project’s mission.”

You can help! Click here to sign the petition telling The Trevor Project management to quit their union busting and bargain in good faith.

Trevor Project Action Alert