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Hundreds of Members March to NJ Capital to Demand a Fair Contract

CWA members providing vital services throughout the State of New Jersey are standing together and mobilizing for a new contract this year, and showed on April 26th that workers are prepared to FIGHT to win a fair contract for all.

CWA NJ State Worker mobilization

The more than 35,000 New Jersey state workers are members of CWA Locals 1031, 1032, 1033, 1036, 1037, 1038, and 1040, whose leaderships have been at the bargaining table with the State over the last several weeks to negotiate for pay increases and keeping healthcare benefit costs low.

Shop stewards and leaders from each local have been circulating a petition directed to the State declaring that our members “stand united in our demand for respect and dignity through a good union contract” so we can recruit and retain the workforce that New Jersey needs to keep services running strong. 

On April 26th, roughly 300 CWA members marched through the streets of Trenton with copies of the 10,000-signature petition to deliver to the Governor’s office - and they made themselves heard loud and clear! 

CWA NJ State Worker mobilization