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eBay/TCGPlayer Workers Picket at Women’s Forum Leadership Conference to Highlight Gender-Based Discrimination & Demand a Contract

CWA 1123-TCGUnion members traveled from Syracuse, NY to New York City last week to send a (very) loud and clear message to eBay executive Adriane Brown, attending the International Women’s Forum Leadership Conference: QUIT STALLING and treat your workers - many of whom are women and members of the LGBTQ community - with dignity and respect!

Workers at the eBay-owned TCGPlayer voted to join CWA Local 1123 in March of 2023 but have been hit with roadblock after roadblock in the form of delay and anti-union tactics from eBay and TCGPlayer. eBay has even employed notorious union-busting firm Littler Mendelson to help in busting the union. But the workers are standing firm.

Last week CWA filed two Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charges against eBay:

  • The company implemented a new policy limiting workers’ disability accommodations and their ability to take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act—changes that were implemented without negotiating first with the Union as required under the National Labor Relations Act, and disproportionately impacting women and disabled workers.
  • New installation of surveillance cameras throughout the workplace, placed over the work stations of pro-union workers. Cameras have also been positioned to face the office’s punch-clock and the company has escalated its discipline around so-called “time theft”. eBay/TCGplayer has refused to explain how these cameras are being used.

On May 17th CWA 1123-TCGUnion members, joined by members of CWA Local 1101 and CWA Local 1180, CWA 1101 retirees, and community and legislative allies picketed in front of the swanky International Women’s Forum Leadership Conference to call out the hypocrisy of Adriane Brown, who sits on the Board of both eBay and the International Women’s Forum.

“It’s clear that eBay has authorized a full-throttle attack on our legal rights and will do whatever it can to avoid negotiating with us, even going so far as to make our coworkers physically suffer on the job,” said Briana Thomas, a member of the bargaining committee. “These latest changes are not only illegal, they are disgusting. Unfortunately for eBay, we are undeterred and fully committed to fight for a fair contract that gives us the protections we deserve.”