eBay-TCGplayer Workers Keeping the Pressure On With a Series of Actions to Demand a First Contract and an End to Union-Busting

It’s been more than three years since workers at eBay-owned tech company TCGplayer voted to join CWA Local 1123, and in that time eBay has thrown every union-busting tactic in the book at the workers to try and discourage the union - our outright crush it. But the CWA 1123-TCGUnion is not going away.

New York City - 1123-TCGUnion members were joined by CWAers from Local 1104 and the NewsGuild-CWA to flyer outside of an event on October 26th held by eBay board member and Microsoft Executive VP to tells passersby - and eBay - that as long as eBay and TCGplayer delay, refuse to pass proposals, and stall bargaining, CWA members will continue to fight.

Las Vegas - Several 1123-TCGUnion members traveled to MagicCon Vegas over the weekend to hold an info picket and circulate a petition demanding fair bargaining.

Syracuse - After returning from MagicCon Vegas, TCG workers rallied yesterday, October 28th, to say to eBay: “Three years with no raise is unacceptable and we WILL NOT stand for it!”
Earlier this week CWA learned that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has ruled on several of our Unfair Labor Practice charges, finding that eBay/TCGplayer has violated federal labor law in multiple ways:
- Conducting unlawful surveillance and creating the impression of surveillance by installing a new camera system, implementing a new badge system, and through supervisor's conduct
- Disciplining employees without bargaining
- Unilateral installation of new security cameras without bargaining
And in breaking news, we also received notice today from the NLRB that we've won a Unit Certification Case, confirming that about 25 TCGplayer employees who the company tried to exclude are indeed part of our bargaining unit.
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