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CWAers Mobilize for Bernie

CWA members helping @BernieSanders become the next President, collecting petition signatures in NY!

— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) January 18, 2016

Bernie Sanders has a bold plan to overhaul the status quo, and it's resonating with the American people. CWA is working to help make his plan a reality and members are gearing up to help make Sanders the next President of the United States.

In New York State, CWAers have been hard at work collecting petition signatures to get Sanders on the ballot. Join CWA members to gather petition signatures. Click here to find an upcoming event near you.

We're fed up with an economy that has been manipulated by Wall Street to benefit the very wealthiest Americans at the expense of working families. Wall Street has good reasons to be scared of Sanders. CWA President Chris Shelton points out that his Wall Street reforms closely align with CWA's own program to create an economy that works for all – not just the 1 percent – on four issues. Find out what those issues are in Shelton's latest Medium post. Read it here.

CWA members have played a significant role in driving turnout in past elections. In 2012, tens of thousands of CWA member volunteers worked on national and state campaigns and for critical ballot initiatives. CWA has more than 300,000 active and retired members in the states that will hold primaries between now and April 1. In California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio, where CWA has its largest numbers of members, activists are engaged in worksite actions, staffing phone banks, and signing up new contributors to CWA’s political program ahead of the 2016 election.