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CWAers Hold Mock Funeral Procession for Jobs, Safe Food, our Environment, and U.S. Sovereignty

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CWA members, led by Local 1108, took action once again to tell Rep. Lee Zeldin that TPP and Fast Track are bad for his constituents in the 1st Congressional District and all Americans. New York Newsday covered the latest protest.

This time, CWAers joined by activists from Food & Water Watch, Long Island Labor Federation,, Long Island Progressive Coalition, Long Island Jobs with Justice, Working Families Party, Constitutional Government Now, the Libertarian Party, and many other diverse organizations, held a mock funeral procession and service for  U.S. middle class jobs, safe food, clean air and water, and U.S. sovereignty.

The TPP, if enacted, would destroy U.S. jobs by leading to even more outsourcing and allow multinational corporations to challenge environmental, consumer, Buy American, safety, and other laws at the federal, state and local level.

Delivering the eulogy was Michael Gendron (CWA Local 1108), Brian Schneck (Local 259 UAW), Anita Halasz (Long Island Jobs with Justice), Grandma Ruthie (Food & Water Watch), Adam Weissman (TradeJustice), and others.

Mourners filed past a coffin, dropping in carnations in memory of our jobs, safe food, clean water, and U.S. sovereignty.

Fast Track just passed in the Senate after an unexpectedly difficult battle by the bill’s supporters, including President Obama and Republican Majority Leader McConnell.

The ultimate fight is in the House where there is strong opposition to moving forward on Fast Track. Currently, the Democratic opposition in the House is overwhelming.  While the overwhelming majority of Republicans in the House support Fast Track, enough are opposed to it that the bill’s backers have not been able to assemble the votes they need.  

Rep. Zeldin had previously announced his support for Fast Track.  In response to this latest protest, his office said he was carefully reviewing the TPP itself.  CWA and others strongly urge Rep. Zeldin to oppose Fast Track and the TPP.
Labor unions, environmental organizations, immigrant rights activists, students, public health and consumer groups, and so many others continue to mobilize against Fast Track and the TPP.

Learn more about Fast Track and the TPP.