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Time is running out to make our voices heard, but CWA members throughout New York State are keeping up the fight for Safe Staffing in our hospitals and nursing homes.

>>Take action now by sending an email to the NYS Department of Health to tell them that Safe Staffing saves lives!

The Department of Health is conducting a study on staffing levels in healthcare centers, set to be completed within the next two weeks. With over 10,000 healthcare workers among our membership, we know firsthand what happens when there aren't enough nurses to care for the patient load. The results can be disastrous - both for the patients and for the workers.

CWA members have been working for months to ensure that the DOH knows how important it is to have minimum staffing ratios in all healthcare centers - we’ve testified before the DOH, we’ve rallied, we’ve written letters, we’ve published op-eds - and over the past three weeks, we’ve been holding Weeks of Action to make sure that our voices are heard.

And the message has been loud and clear. In the past two weeks, we and our allies have sent over 1,250 emails to DOH Commissioner Howard Zucker and made nearly 500 phone calls to his office.

Add your voice! Take two minutes right now to email the DOH, before it’s too late!

Phonebanking for Safe Staffing! Clockwise from top left: Locals 1122 and 1168 making calls in Buffalo; Local 1170 making calls in Rochester; Local 1180 making calls in New York City; Locals 1104 and 1180 in NYC.