CWA Launches Campaign to Combat Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs in New Jersey
Healthcare costs in New Jersey are out of control. More and more of our members’ paychecks are going to healthcare, at a time when most of us are already stretched thin. And it’s not because we’re using more services or getting better care. It’s because we’re paying to line the pockets of hospital and health insurance executives and enough is enough. We need the State to pass meaningful and comprehensive legislation to reign in healthcare costs and protect our members from skyrocketing premiums.
CWA District 1 is launching a campaign to address the healthcare affordability crisis in New Jersey, including developing legislation to address the crisis in three main ways:
- Require affordable premiums for local government workers
- Require cost-controls to help contain the rising prices of healthcare services and medications but protect against cost-shifting to our members, protecting all New Jerseyans
- Improve governance and transparency of how healthcare rates are calculated and implemented and improve the Union's participation in decision-making when it comes to our plans and costs.
On February 26 we held a webinar with hundreds of CWAers in attendance to learn more about the campaign and our immediate action steps:
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CWA Launches Campaign to Combat Skyrocketing Healthcare Costs in New Jersey