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CWA District 1 Joins Coalition Telling Gov. Hochul: Don’t Leave Upstate Behind

On May 31st CWA District 1 Area Director Deb Hayes spoke alongside other members of the Raise Up NY coalition, which includes labor, community groups, and members of the business community, to call for raising the minimum wage and making sure that no worker in New York is left behind. Speakers advocated for the Upstate Parity and Minimum Wage Protection Act (S8154/A9093), a bill that would establish a statewide minimum wage floor as well as guarantee annual raises for workers across the state.

“We cannot leave Upstate behind,” Deb said to the crowd. “Rent is up 35.5%, while wages have risen just 12.8%. We cannot, absolutely, afford a lesser wage increase. There are too many people who work minimum wage jobs every day, who can barely afford to live. This is a moral issue and we cannot leave anyone behind.”