CWA District 1 Hosts the First CWA Wireless Conference Since 2019

After a series of cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CWA workers in the wireless industry were back together last week for the CWA Wireless Conference! This year’s conference, put on by District 1 and welcoming CWA members from throughout the country, was held in Providence, RI on April 17th - 20th.
Over 250 workers at AT&T Mobility, Verizon Wireless, IHX at AT&T, as well as Tower Climbers in the process of organizing to form a union, and CWA local and district leaders, came together for several days of workshops covering a range of vital topics impacting their work and unionizing efforts. Members also hosted several compelling panels on topics including member mobilization, organizing a union at your workplace, and political action, and heard from Providence Mayor Brett Smiley and Rhode Island Governor Dan McKee.

“Each win tells a story of struggle,” said District 1 Vice President Dennis Trainor in his welcome speech kicking off the conference. “Of bravery. Of smart organizing. Of knowing that we are stronger together. And I am proud that our union is helping our brothers and sisters at Verizon, AT&T, Apple, and tower [climbers] across the country.”
Share your stories - because if you don’t, who will?
Throughout the three-day conference, workers filmed short videos to tell their stories about building power in their workplaces, unionizing in the wireless industry, and what CWA has meant to them. You can see a few of these video stories here!
Every job a union job!

“IGT made over $4.2 billion last year,” said Local 1101 President Keith Purce. “And while those execs sit there and have their lobster dinners, our members are fighting to buy hamburger helper. While they go off to their country homes, our members have to worry about paying their rent. We’re not looking for our members to become millionaires - we’re looking for our members to get a fair and equitable wage!”
CWA Heads Up Massive Rallies in New York to Say: STOP THE CUTS!
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