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Bernie Wins New Hampshire

We did it! CWA's statement on #NHPrimary:

— CWA District 1 (@CWADistrict1) February 10, 2016

Concord, NH – CWA President Chris Shelton issued this statement on the results of the New Hampshire primary:

In New Hampshire, with his decisive win, we again saw the energy and enthusiasm that Bernie Sanders generates among working families, first time voters, young people, independents, even conservatives.

CWA members aren’t surprised that Bernie Sanders's grassroots revolution is spreading throughout the country. He was the overwhelming choice of CWA members who voted in our online poll to endorse him and his fight against an economic and political establishment that’s rigged against working families.

Sanders is the only candidate whose campaign is funded by the small dollar contributions of ordinary Americans. He has energized millions of voters with his message of fundamental change that benefits working families, not the 1 percent.

In New Hampshire, hundreds of CWA member volunteers canvassed neighborhoods and talked with voters, phone banked union members, rallied for Bernie Sanders and spent Election Day helping voters get to the polls.

Our union has more than 300,000 active and retired members in the states that will hold primaries between now and April 1. In California, Texas, New York, New Jersey, and Ohio -- where CWA has its largest numbers of members -- activists ready, organizing worksite actions, staffing phone banks, and signing up new contributors to CWA's political program ahead of the general election.