Bargaining Victories - CWA Local 1111, Arnot Ogden Medical Center

Last week CWA Local 1111 members at Arnot Ogden Medical Center (AOMC) overwhelmingly ratified their new contract after a tough bargaining fight that spanned most of the year.
The frontline healthcare workers at AOMC mobilized like never before, holding rallies, press conferences, signing petitions, and delivering hand-written postcards to management explaining the importance of better working conditions and staffing.
Highlights of the new contract include:
- Raises each year over the life of the contract
- Improved language around mandatory overtime, including more protections for workers and increased pay for mandated workers, and agreement for continued joint labor/management discussion to improve mandatory overtime regulations even further
- Increased hours for part-time workers
- Strengthened grievance and arbitration language
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