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Action Alert - Tell the NYS Assembly to Protect Call Center Workers!

Working for the State should not come with the risk of losing your job every ten years.

New York State contracts with private sector employers to provide call center services. Currently, a contract changing hands can mean mass layoffs for the skilled and experienced workforce, causing significant harm to the workers, our communities, and the public who will experience a disruption in service as the new company gets up to speed.

For example – nearly 300 of our own CWA members at the State-contracted E-ZPass Customer Service Center on Staten Island are facing layoffs right now after the State rebid the contract to a new company and did not ensure any retention protections. We can’t let this happen again. We need to take action now to protect workers and good union jobs.

We’re fighting for a bill that would require New York State to protect its workforce and retain its workers when a call center contract changes hands. Email your NYS Assembly Member to urge them to bring the bill to the floor for a vote and stand with workers!