Action Alert! Join CWA Local 1180 in Demanding Reinstatement of Laid Off Workers and an End to Retaliation
On October 22, StoryCorps, a non-profit organization that aims to record, preserve, and share the stories of Americans from all backgrounds, announced the layoffs of 5 of our CWA 1180 members without prior notice to the workers or the Union.
Management targeted a shop steward, despite being the most senior person in his department, having a stellar performance record, no disciplinary marks, and years of dedicated service and contributions to StoryCorps’ mission. They've been an outspoken advocate for improving working conditions at StoryCorps for years.
This is retaliation.
Other laid-off employees had recently filed grievances concerning discrimination in the workplace and being denied a contractual cost of living increase.
When Management did finally meet with CWA, they refused to provide requested information and hurled insults at the bargaining representatives. This is unacceptable - we won't stand for this treatment of our membership and our union.
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