CWA Endorses Jaslin Kaur for City Council

Jaslin Kaur was born and raised in Queens, the daughter of a cab driver and union grocery store worker. She’s a product of New York City’s public schools and university system, and has devoted her career to community organizing and leading others in political action to foster a more inclusive democracy. She knows this community inside and out.
Here's why CWA District 1 is endorsing Jaslin Kaur for District 23:
Stands with unions all the way and will work to increase legal and workplace protections for workers.
Passionate about education and will fight to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to quality education and resources needed to succeed.
Strongly supports a Green New Deal that will combat disastrous climate change and create more union jobs.
Also endorsed by
Senator Julia Salazar
Senator Mike Gianaris
Senator Jabari Brisport
Assemblymember Jessica González-Rojas
Assemblymember Phara Souffrant Forrest
NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams