CWA Endorses Amoy Barnes for City Council

Amoy Barnes was raised on Staten Island by a mother who worked two jobs in order to provide a stable home. As a volunteer at St. Vincent’s Hospital (now Richmond University Medical Center) Amoy learned about the power of the community and Staten Islanders caring for one another, and decided to devote herself to organizing and public service. She firmly believes in the power of a union, to fight together and lift one another up.
Here's why CWA District 1 is endorsing Amoy Barnes for District 49:
Stands with unions through and through. She’ll fight to protect union rights and expand job access throughout New York City.
Will work for greater healthcare access and funding to ensure that all New Yorkers are able to thrive.
Passionate about education and will fight to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to quality education and resources needed to succeed.
Also endorsed by
The NYC Central Labor Council
Hotel Trades Council
United Federation of Teachers
Transport Workers Local 100
UNITE HERE Local 100,
Council of School Supervisors & Administrators
Senator Jessica Ramos
Senator Jon Liu