FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 28, 2020
Contact: Hae-Lin Choi, CWA District 1 New York Political Director | 212-344-2515
NEW YORK - As attacks on unions and working people have ramped up over the last several years, the need to maintain a strong, pro-worker majority in the New York State Legislature is more urgent than ever before. With that in mind, the Communications Workers of America, District 1, announced endorsements today of five pro-worker candidates for the New York State Senate who have each shown a strong commitment standing up for workers against corporate interests and attacks on union rights. CWA, with 65,000 members across New York, will back:
- Laura Ahearn (Senate District 1)
- Karen Smythe (Senate District 41)
- Michelle Hinchey (Senate District 46)
- John Mannion (Senate District 50)
- Samra Brouk (Senate District 55)
“We know how incredibly important it is to have elected leaders in Albany who will fight for working families,” said Dennis Trainor, Vice President, CWA District 1. “These candidates have walked our picket lines and joined our phonebanks, and shown time and again that they will put working people before corporate profits. We need a state Legislature that works for all New Yorkers, and electing these candidates is a vital part of ensuring that we can continue working to make our state even stronger!”
CWA members worked tirelessly to elect a pro-worker legislature in 2018. After a strong 2019 legislative session in which New Yorkers saw massive progress that could not have happened without a major power shift in Albany, CWA is anticipating another big election season in 2020. This year CWA has announced its intention to go all out to ensure that New York continues building on that progress. The five endorsed candidates represent an opportunity to make even more progress in the effort to make New York the strongest union state in the country.
“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of CWA District 1, New York's leading progressive union,” said Laura Ahearn, candidate for State Senate, District 1. “To me, supporting policies that benefit the middle-class and supporting organized labor go hand in hand and ultimately benefit everyone. I thank the hardworking members of CWA for their support and I look forward to continuing working with them on making Suffolk County a place where everyone has a chance to succeed.”
"I am honored to receive the endorsement of CWA District 1,” said Karen Smythe, candidate for State Senate, District 41. “Fair pay, good benefits, and safe working conditions are all basic rights that all workers deserve and we must work together against the forces who continue to try and deny them. I was proud to work with organized labor as President of my family's union construction business and I will continue to stand up for workers and their families as State Senator."
"It is an honor to receive the support of the hard working men and women of the CWA,” said Michelle Hinchey, candidate for State Senate, District 46. “One of my top priorities is to invest in our upstate infrastructure, specifically addressing the lack of broadband access in our upstate communities. This will advance our region’s ability to attract smart economic development, expand educational opportunities and improve our overall quality of life. With the help of unions like the CWA in our coalition, we will make sure that Upstate New Yorkers get their fair share.”
"Every New Yorker deserves fair pay for their hard work,” said John Mannion, candidate for State Senate, District 50. “That is something I am going to fight for as our next State Senator, and it is something that CWA stands for each and every day. That is why I am proud to have earned the CWA endorsement, and I thank them for supporting my campaign."
"I'm thrilled to have the endorsement of the hardworking members of CWA District 1!” said Samra Brouk, candidate for State Senate, District 55. “I am proud to stand with New York's union men and women in fighting for a just economy that works for all of us. Together with CWA we can ensure that all New Yorkers have the right to join a union and secure, living wage jobs that allow them to thrive."
The Communications Workers of America represents 700,000 working men and women in telecommunications, customer service, healthcare, media, airlines, public service and manufacturing. District One represents 65,000 total members in New York State.
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