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CWA 1133 Communications Vital Signs

July 2024 Vital Signs


  • Grids were handed into the state on July 1st. Some departments were newly included in the grids, and others had some changes made.

  • Presented CHS with more staffing proposals, and we are awaiting a response.

  • Keep filling out short staffing forms. Thanks to all the mobilizers that attended our training on June 13th. We had roughly 50 people in attendance from all 3 facilities to ramp up for our contract campaign. We wrapped up our petition to pressure management to accept our proposals for improving staffing, with a total 51% of signatures from Mercy Hospital and 64% from Kenmore Mercy Hospital. We also solidified our mobilizing structure across all 3 facilities.

  • Next staffing update calls will be on 7/25 at 3:30pm and 8:00pm, more info to come!

Sign Up for Texting

Please make sure we have your updated contact information. Important information goes out through texting and emailing. We will be switching to electronic voting in the near future and will need all members correct e-mail addresses.

Please click this link to sign up! Get Text and Email Message Updates from CWA Local 1133
 At any time you can opt out. Reply STOP.


  • Check your rate of pay from the June 20th check with the contractual 2.75% raise. Look at the June 2024 scale, same step you're in now.

  • If you’d like to be involved in the union, please contact Bob Scime at the union hall 716-828-1133.

  • Canal Fest is on July 15th, stay tuned for details.

  • Puerto Rican & Hispanic Day Parade is on August 17th at noon. Registration is at 10am. More details to follow.

  • Labor Day Parade is on September 2nd. More details to follow.

Mentor Committee:

David Kuster, RN, 7ME. Mentor of Distinction Award. Sharon Scime & Jessica Visser gave the award.

Although mentoring is widely recognized as an extremely beneficial career tool, we have decided to not make it a mandatory part of your employment. There are some employees that are not getting any benefits from the program due to disinterest. We want the program to continue to excel with employees that are dedicated to it. Coming soon; we are building an Everbridge group, so we can communicate with you more easily. Thanks for making this program the best it can be!

Sharon Scime’ your Mentor Coordinator

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call or email me

716-697-1897 cell or 716-828-1133 ext 17


  • Please take a look at the contract for downstaffing language.

  • MHB RN Art 7, page 126. MHB STC Art 6, page 172

  • KMH RN Art 9, page 214. KMH Tech Art 6 & 7, page 252 & 253

2nd Quarter Retirees:

  • Robin Bauer, Service Worker- 4/30/24

  • Denise Breidenstein, Pharmacy Technician, 5/31/24

  • Valerie Granata, Scheduler- 5/24/24

  • Kathy Grzywna, MHB RN- 6/12/24

  • Karen Hamp, KMH RN- 5/1/24

  • Bridget Kanaley, KMH Radiology Technician- 5/26/24

  • Carla Kongesor, MHB RN- 6/12/24

  • Maureen McAllister, MHB RN- 3/22/24

  • Pamela Purcell, Pharmacy Technician- 5/31/24

  • Debbie Voss, MHB RN- 6/6/24

This update was brought to you by the Communications Committee:

This update was brought to you by the Communications Committee: Jamie Banks, Kerri Diebold-Phillips, Kimberly Hayward, Brian Magner, Kevonna Neely, Larry Potts, Rebecca Scime, Sharon Scime, Bonnie Shantz and Jennifer Williams.