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CWA 1133 Communications Vital Signs

February 2025 Vital Signs



  • The grids have been passed out to all of the units. 
  • We are still discussing the radiology grids at this time. 
  • There is a nurses meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. If you have any concerns, please call the union hall and you could possibly come to one of the meetings to voice your concerns. 
  • If you're utilizing the buddy system to cover breaks, that is a violation, fill out a short staffing form. 
  • If you are covering your own 1:1, meaning you are pulling someone off the floor to sit in the 1:1, and that is making your floor short, please put that in the description box. 
  • These forms are not only for being sent to the state to show them staffing is still an issue and CHS isn't doing what they are supposed to but also to protect you. It's a protest of assignment. 
  • Want a seat at the table with your coworkers to improve the staffing on your unit? If you're interested in joining the CSC, text or call Jen 716-603-3193 or Shelby 716-380-9349 or email them at 
  • If you have any questions, please contact Jen, Shelby, or Jamie at the union hall.


  • We are starting up a new committee, Equity, Women’s & Civil Rights Committee. The 1st meeting is on February 13th at 3:30pm at the union hall. 
  • We are still in need of more people on the Health & Safety Committee. (Mercy Only)
  • If anyone would like to be on either committee, please call the union hall, 716-828-1133.

Vacation Picks:


  • Vacation picks are coming. 
  • June 1st-December 31st. 
  • The approval process will be completed by March 1st with the final schedule posted no later than April 1st. 
  • If you have any questions regarding vacation picks, please call the union hall, 716-828-1133

STC Workload & Staffing:


  • This committee meets monthly with the hospital.
  • We have started conducting meetings with the float pool ITAs and NAs, day and night shift. 
  • New process to the ICU doing 1:1s. 
  • Surveys done in departments to boost a healthy work environment. 
  • We are also working with radiology, there will be an update to come



  • You need to have worked over 1,250 hours in the previous 12-month period to qualify for FMLA. For example, any full or part time employee who picks up extra time may meet the criteria before the 12 months. 
  • Please contact Thomesha Stevenson (Mercy) or Roseanne Manfredo (Kenmore) in the IDM department for more information. 
  • Lincoln Financial Group: 1-855-602-4436 regarding NYS Disability, FMLA, NYS PFL & Maternity Leave. 
  • You can also look at our contract under Common Table, Article 37: Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) on page 37.


  • If you have COVID more than 3 times, you must use your own ESL. The first 3 times, you will receive COVID pay. 
  • If you are a weekend employee and the COVID line is closed, you have to go get tested at a CHS facility or well now, immediate care, etc & send the results Monday to the COVID hotline. 
  • The COVID Hotline number is 716-447-6418


  • Please check your pay if you know you're due for an anniversary raise or step increase, HR has claimed they will only go back 90 days, we did not agree to this. 
  • The Variety Kids Telethon is on March 8th from 6p-11p & March 9th from 10a-8pm. Labor Hour is on Sunday from 1p-2p. 
  • Our next membership meeting is on March 12th. Please try to select one person from your department to come to these meetings and bring back info to the rest of your department. 
  • Please continue to fill out the short staffing forms. 
  • There is a new manager in Respiratory Therapy at Kenmore Mercy.
  • If you are interested in communicating information to your unit regarding bargaining updates, please contact Bob Scime at the union hall 716-828-1133

This update was brought to you by the Communications Committee:

Rebecca Aldrow, Jamie Banks, Kerri Diebold-Phillips, Kimberly Hayward, Brian Magner, Kevonna Neely, Larry Potts, Sharon Scime, Bonnie Shantz and Jennifer Williams.