The CWA Political Action Fund is the political action committee for the working men and women of CWA, their families, and retirees. Every dollar you give to the PAF is put to work building political power for you, your family, and your future. The PAF provides financial contributions to worker-friendly candidates. CWA can use only voluntary dollars to contribute to an endorsed candidate for federal office. No union dues money of any kind can be given to a political candidate for federal office or a national political party. The PAF is fighting to give every patient in New York the kind of care we would want for our own families, such as fighting for passage of the Safe Staffing for Quality Care Act to provide quality care through safe staffing nurse-to-patient ratios. The PAF was instrumental in stopping the Berger Commission from closing two hospitals staffed by CWA members in WNY and achieved passage of safe patient handling legislation. The CWA Political Action Fund makes politics work for working families!