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Notice of Changes to Bylaws and Policies and Procedures

To be discussed at General Membership Meeting Thursday, May 17, 2018 and will be voted on Thursday, June 21, 2018:

Add Bylaw:

Chief Steward of the OCBSS

  1. Position for 1 year period, under the direction of the local president:
  2. process grievances submitted by shop stewards in accordance with grievances procedures outlined in contract & department of labor statutes.
  3. Assign grievances to shop stewards
  4. Perform other duties assigned by the local, the president and the executive board.
  5. keep records of all grievances.
  6. work with executive board to recruit and promote new shop stewards

Amend/Add Bylaw:

This amendment strikes the previous bylaw regarding membership meeting date being set for the third Thursday of each month and replaces it with the following:  1. the executive board shall choose the date and time of membership meetings in order to promote the highest possible attendance. 2.  the executive board shall notify the membership with 60 days notice of any change in meeting dates.  

Amend Policies and Procedures:

Modify #2 of Officers Compensation- striking "the Lacey Chapter VP and" and adding to #1.  The Lacey Chapter Vice President will be paid $200.00 per month.